Sunday 6 March 2011

washing car and the flexible body

Clever combination between the art of washing car and the flexible body movements  has created dance that attracted viewer for each movement
Curved body combined with the sexy bikini increase the heat when looking at works
The yellow color of the vehicle which has created a sense of ‘hot’ for viewers in every

corner was combined with the fabric of the suit lacks long legs, making the viewer become more oppressive than ever

Next is the ‘dance’ of fire in her car wash long familiar …
… But still inspire viewers to constantly explore and discover

Soapy water wash the material was chosen as the vehicle, but also to take advantage of the beautiful sites on the skin White short irrigation

After the pictures have long legs beautiful face, intelligent, and sexy are released to the network, has emerged at the talk of the curve, where long-legged beauty of this property

Besides the appearance of hot full length of the western leg, then the emergence of the ‘dancing girls’ car wash in Asia also contributed to the party more lively

Makes the car more dim and romantic flashed
Makes the viewer know just switch plates compliment …

Soucre: livesstione

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